Fred Smith Company Believes in Second Chances

August 25, 2020

Fred Smith Construction has been a valuable partner for many years. In addition to hosting an annual golf tournament and providing financial and executive support, they employ many of our clients for construction-related skilled and entry-level jobs. From driving the crew truck to operating a roller, excavator or bulldozer, you’ll find several clients honing their talents or learning a new trade.

According to Robert Baugnon, VP of Personnel, “We’re a company who doesn’t let peoples’ past define them. We give second chances all the time.” Describing the wide array of sustainable jobs available, Baugnon admits construction work is not easy. “The heat is pretty rough in the summer, and staying warm in the winter is even tougher. But we have some great success stories here; individuals who have started from scratch, developed new skills and moved up with our company.”

Baugnon states emphatically, “We’re always looking for good employees. Always. Show us who you are. Be honest with us up front. Even if there are issues during the application or orientation process, we want to at least have a discussion.” The biggest challenge for maintaining a job at Fred Smith? “Transportation,” says Baugnon. “We have to rely on employees to get to the job site on their own.”

Adults and children experiencing homelessness come to Raleigh Rescue Mission seeking help. With God’s help, the Mission’s New Life Plan equips individuals with the tools they need to get back on their feet. As clients progress through a program of Rescue, Restore and Reentry, discover their purpose and re-enter the workforce, they are able to purchase their own vehicles, secure sustainable jobs and eventually move to permanent housing.

Sometimes all it takes is a second chance. Thanks to partnerships with businesses like Fred Smith Company, our clients get a second chance at finding job satisfaction and the ability to support their families, and Fred Smith Construction gains the valuable, talented employees it needs to thrive. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

If you have jobs to fill, look to us to find some great candidates!  Contact Chris Hill at today.