Ailsa witnessed trauma as a child that she carried into adulthood. It affected her mental and emotional health, and it influenced the company she chose to keep. She was introduced to drugs. Her family had a history of addiction, and Ailsa followed the same pattern – until she became homeless.

“I realized I had to cut ties with my marriage and some of my family members,” she says. “I had nowhere else to turn. But when my daughter and I came to Raleigh Rescue Mission, it was a breath of fresh air.”

Once safe inside our doors, Alisa and her daughter found what they’d been looking for: people who cared about them. They immediately felt comfortable. “Just having someone there – offering encouraging words – made all the difference. They were so welcoming.”

Ailsa didn’t waste any time turning her life around. She joined our New Life Plan program and started working on her relationship with God. “My faith was rocky. I wouldn’t say I had even a mustard seed of faith, but now I’m all in with God.”

Now, Ailsa and her daughter are happy and excited about their future. Ailsa is planning to go back to school to study nursing, and her daughter is excited to go back to gymnastics class.

“To God be the glory, because I struggled with a lot of different things – but God helped me overcome them all.”

Ailsa now has strength for her future because of your heart of compassion for her and other neighbors in need. Because you chose to share God’s love, she has a path forward in life. “I am thankful to Raleigh Rescue Mission because they helped me become the best version of myself – spiritually… emotionally… in every way. I am so grateful for this place.”

To read this issue of Raleigh Rescue Mission’s Newsletter, click here.

“I’m all in with God.”