On March 23rd, we recognized 27 men and women from our New Life Plan as they graduated from the Jobs for Life job readiness course. The festivities included a catered lunch, special music, speeches, decorations and, of course, the walk across the stage to receive certificates. Our dedicated volunteers and donors made it all possible.
Jobs for Life training is designed to help individuals engage in a journey – a journey from unemployment to employment, or from under-employment to better employment. During each of the 16 sessions, clients discussed biblical examples and practiced real-life job building skills such as professional image, networking, resume’ writing and interviewing skills. Their jfl certification demonstrates to potential employers their understanding of what it takes to be a valuable employee.
Jobs for Life provides a unique, biblically-based training and support strategy that empowers students to be successful at work and at life. It began right here in Raleigh in 1996 by well-known businessman Christopher C. Mangum (C.C. Mangum Co), and is now taught world-wide (see the jfl story at https://www.jobsforlife.org/about/ourstory).
Our next Jobs for Life class started April 3rd and we need your help! JFL utilizes Champions, Instructors and Mentors to work alongside each student. In addition, we need HR Professionals to coach students, and we need volunteers to provide child care.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Geia Williams, Director of Volunteers, at trvnj@enyrvtuerfphr.bet.