Faith Motter, new Chief Philanthropy Officer at Raleigh Rescue Mission, believes that God is calling her to move her family from New York to North Carolina to do the kingdom work she envisions for the role. She has a lovely view of the Statue of Liberty from her current office, and she fully understands that she won’t have a view like that from any office at Raleigh Rescue Mission. But everyone she meets in Raleigh tells her it’s their favorite place to live and her kids are looking forward to a new backyard.
Like many folks, when the pandemic hit and life shut down dramatically, Faith and her husband Jeff began to ask, “What’s next?” They’d been in Colorado and felt God was stirring something in their lives. Faith had co-founded an anti-trafficking non-profit in New York City back in 2006, and the Board asked her to step in as Interim Executive Director, while they conducted a global search for the next leader of the organization. They packed up the family and moved to New York, and once the Board named the new President, Faith had lots of choices: stay at her current organization, stay in the area, or move back to Colorado. Instead, she saw the job posting for Raleigh Rescue Mission and was intrigued right away. “It has an incredible mission,” says Faith, “and the plan for the capital campaign is amazing. I also did some digging and realized I knew Chairman of the Board Jay Easterling from my early days in New York when we worked at another non-profit together. I almost fell out of my chair, and Jay was equally surprised when we talked later. The more I learned about the Mission and its plans for the future, the more excited I became.”
Faith feels blessed that she grew up in Christian home. Her mother says she was a miracle baby and her father, a preacher, always said “Have faith, Faith!” When she moved to NY for graduate school, Faith recalls wondering how she could live out the gospel in a real way. She realized that, without a doubt, her Christian faith had always connected back to serving the poor and marginalized. “That’s where I see the love and grace of Jesus the most. We are so much more blessed when we give than when we receive. That’s one of the reasons I love fundraising so much. Seeing and working closely with donors over the years, I’ve seen the transformation that comes when people are generous. It’s phenomenal. Everyone walks away changed.”
As for the new role at Raleigh Rescue, Faith sees it as relational. “I wouldn’t be involved with fundraising if it didn’t involve spreading awareness of the great work RRM is doing and then encouraging people to join in that work,” continues Faith, “both during the campaign and in the future. My fundraising for the capital campaign is a catalyst to build relationships now and for years to come.”
Faith is looking forward to meeting the rest of the staff. She wants to invite her husband and sons George (8) and Henry (6) to serve at the Mission and make it a part of their lives. And she is really excited for the day that the Mission breaks ground on its capital campaign.
“Overall, my “why” for coming to RRM and wanting to join in this great work that’s being done is because I truly believe that what the Mission is doing is a here and now representation of God’s kingdom work here on earth. I believe that. I was so incredibly moved by that. I believe this is God’s kingdom work here and now.”
Welcome to Raleigh Rescue Mission, Faith.