Our commitment to a long term solution is focused on the need to help those experiencing homelessness to break the cycle of poverty. For adults that means helping them through our New Life Plan that includes counseling along with obtaining the highest education level and job skills to maintaining a livable wage. For our children, it starts with education and giving them the empowerment to be successful in school. This leads to breaking generational poverty that many of their parents have experienced.
The New Life Plan has six distinct Phases, each building upon the previous. It addresses the needs of our homeless clients by providing for basic needs such as food, clothing, hygiene and healthcare – and then moving through a series of programs that include counseling, parenting classes, vocational training, obtaining a car to make employment options wider, and then gaining employment and moving into their own apartment or home.
The New Life Plan charts a clear path and provides the resources along the way so that our clients make lasting changes that will lead to the ability to be self-sufficient. Each Phase is clearly explained and serves as a guide for clients, service providers, partner organizations, staff and volunteers.
The New Life Plan also provides before and after school care, tutoring, and enrichment for the children in our care. You can read more about our Children’s Advocacy.